I wanted to introduce you into the next station in my Mandelbrot world domination tour. Using C and GLSL this Mandelbrot set visualization can be rendered to a video file.

$ gst-launch-1.0 gltestsrc pattern=13 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080 ! glimagesink

To run this command you need the patches for gst-plugins-bad I proposed upstream. After they get merged you can try this in your distribution’s GStreamer version.

This is the short patch required for the Mandelbrot set, made possible with the patch adding a generic shader pipeline for gltestsrc patterns.

Screenshot from 2014-08-21 02:24:08

One thought on “Got Mandelbrot? A Mandelbrot set test pattern for the GStreamer OpenGL Plugins

  1. Lubosz, sach etz gefälligst Bescheid ob du die Mail zum Abitreffen bekommen hast, ob du kommst oder ob du’s noch nicht weißt! Also… natürlich mit “Bitte”! 😉

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